She has over 15 years of experience in the fishing industry. as a - sales associate, tournament Fisherman, tournament director, sales rep, writer, non profit Fundraising, and Award winning kayak angler. Originally from south Florida’s east coast, She’s currently residing in San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico. When she turned 15 she started fishing a local youth bass tournament trail. This is when she realized That there’s a deference between being a fisherman and someone who likes to go fishing. Over the years she accidentally fell into kayak fishing, which took her all over the United States for bass tournaments, and then into the Bahamas and Panama for offshore kayak fishing. A few years ago she sold all her kayaks and bought a very special Carolina skiff, who she named Fern. This gave her the opportunity to absolutely drown herself in Mosquito Lagoon, stone crabbing, tripletail, and most recently duck hunting. Christina is known for her overwhelming glow and passion for fishing. She’s notorious for fishing alone, traveling alone and going out no matter the weather conditions.
“At the end of the day I’m just here to go fishing” - Christina Weber